CyberMadrasah provide the teachers, students and school managers a powerful digital interactive environment for teaching and learning. It is a cloud network with dedicated kernel, High Availability Failover, CEPH storage, unlimited DNS hosting seamlessly integrated to form a education portal that benefits all stakeholders

In general I-Smile - Cyber Madrasah has features below

1. It provide a tools for Islamic school to gather voices from stakeholders and shape their vision of education for the future.
2. It is an integrated manajemen tools for number of schools all over the world. Each school will have separate data on its own.
3. It provides strategic long term planning for Islamic school to reach the vision
4. It can be used by teacher and instructional designer all over the world in continously develop and share proven model of curriculum and Lesson plan in the subject of Islamic, Social, Art, Science and Technology utilising a current mobile and and internet technology available.
5. Tools for knowledge creation and generation to the teachers and instructional designers. To empower teacher to the future of learning environment, and to enable them to utilise cybermadrasah to develop their own education model that suit them and teach youth better with mobile and multimedia based resources
6. The learning model emphasises interactive learning approach through video presentations, interactive media, virtual simulation and short quizzes and testing. The cybermadrasah will served as a central cyber islamic education database and interactive multimedia learning resources model and hosted in cloud system to provide 24 hours education for any muslim youth all over the worlds.
